Providing ecology-friendly lawn care in Fredericton for over 30-years!
Why Nutri-Lawn? We consistently deliver professional lawn treatment services, resulting in beautiful, lush lawns that enhance your home’s curb appeal.
Nutri-Lawn is more than just fertilizer and weed control. It is about caring for people and homes by providing friendly, timely and proven solutions. Our clients know they can count on our knowledge and experience to help them achieve healthy lawns of which they can be proud, using products that are safe for family, pets, neighbours, and the environment.
Fredericton Area Lawn Care Programs
Our customer nourishment experience is anchored in a successful partnership and relationship with you. At Nutri-Lawn we do the right thing, and we call this quality. Our process ensures accurate delivery of service and ongoing communication. Use our convenient agronomic calendar to follow when our services are preformed.

Our season-long fertility provides adaptive nutrient delivery is designed to release plant nutrients at a rate that is compatible with the requirement of the plant.
Starting Price Per Visit
- 3 Applications of Controlled-Release Granular Fertilizer
(Spring, Summer & Fall)
- Summer Kelp Seaweed Extract
- Before Service Text Notifications
- 50-Point Custom Lawn Evaluation
- After Service Email Progress Reports
Our Most Popular Lawn Care Services
Fertilizer Services
Make sure your lawn stays thick and healthy all season long. Our premium custom-blend fertilizer is evenly applied and seasonally adjusted for lush, green grass.
Weed Control
Eliminate weed infestations without harming your lawn. Our selective broadleaf weed control is specially designed to effectively control those wicked weeds.
Insect Control
Prevent destructive insects from feeding on your grass. Our insect control products eliminate insects and protect your lawn from extensive damage.
Lawn Services
Improve the overall health of your lawn with our wide selection of lawn services. Sort out your soil with core aeration or promote new growth with overseeding – your lawn will love you for it.
Other Services
At Nutri-Lawn , we also offer a number of other services. Give us a call for more details.
Why Choose Nutri-lawn

At Nutri-Lawn, we do the right thing, and we call this quality. We are dedicated to maintaining our position as the leading lawn care company through an extraordinary level of customer service and an unending commitment to the best products and practices in the marketplace.
Established in 1998, we've been leading the industry in organic lawn care for more than 20 years. Our clients know they can count on our knowledge and experience to help them achieve healthy lawns they can be proud, using products that are safe for family, pets, neighbours and the environment.
Backed by Our 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
Our Fredericton lawn care team is ready to serve you. Ask about our ecology-friendly weed control, insect control, fertilizers, and other seasonal services for the greenest grass.
What Our Customers are Saying
Thank you for all the 5 STAR ratings and reviews. We're here because of you!
“What strikes me is that customer relations is your strength. Although you have a quality lawn award you should also have a quality service award. ”
"I've found them to be experts in their field and willing to offer you information and advise on any concerns you may have concerning your Lawn, trees and shrubs."
“My lawn wasn’t looking so good, weeds, crabgrass, insects you name it. I called Nutri-Lawn and spoke to Carmel, she set me up with proper lawn care program and now my grass is excellent. Great job!”
Meet Your Fredericton Team
Schedule your free estimate and start your Nutri-Lawn service with trusted, courteous experts.
Nutri-Lawn Fredericton
21 Millennium Drive
Hanwell, New Brunswick, E3C 2N9
Fredericton Phone: (506) 452-8471
Saint John Phone: (506) 653-9111
Saint John Toll Free: 1-888-833-5296